Constructivism in Mathematics Teaching – Open Educational Resources

Constructivism is a contemporary model of teaching in which the student acts as an investigator. Based on the teachers’ competences, inspired by the teacher, using a variety of information sources, the learner gains new knowledge and skills independently. The “Constructivism in Mathematics Teaching – Open Educational Resources” project aims to develop solutions supporting the work of a mathematics teacher at a grammar school. These solutions inspire student interest in the subject, help to discover new materials and support group work. Students interested in maths are attracted by interactive educational games “Make Interest”, which support self-acquisition of new knowledge and skills. Verifications of acquired knowledge and skills are simulated as “Practice”. Teachers develop guides for using interactive educational games, including group work and duels between students. The project involves the organization of short-term training courses using interactive training simulations and evaluations of their suitability in the teaching process. At the end of the project, a conference was held to disseminate the simulations, manuals and reports that have been used.

VITECO is responsible for the development of online simulations (games).

Other projects in which we partecipated




Sep. 2015 – Oct. 2017

Total budget

201.265,00 €

Project number



Erasmus+ KA201 - Strategic Partnership for School Education

Other projects in which we partecipated