Open-Source Cyber Resilience Act Tools
The OSCRAT project aims to significantly contribute to long-term policy objectives, policies, and strategies in the domain of cybersecurity and digital resilience, especially focusing on the needs of European SMEs. OSCRAT is aligned with various European policies and strategies, including the Digital Single Market Strategy, the European Cybersecurity Strategy, the Cybersecurity Act, the Radio Equipment Directive (RED), the AI Act, NIS2, and the European Green Deal. It addresses the critical challenge of enhancing cybersecurity among SMEs.
OSCRAT targets the imperative for improved cyber resilience among European SMEs, given the increasing frequency and complexity of cyber threats. SMEs often lack the resources and expertise to effectively manage cybersecurity risks, which makes them vulnerable to cyber attacks. This challenge not only poses significant economic and reputational risks to SMEs, but it also undermines the overall resilience of the digital ecosystem in Europe.
To address this challenge, OSCRAT has established specific objectives that are specific, measurable, achievable, relevant, and time-bound:
- Increase Cyber Resilience: The goal of OSCRAT is to provide European SMEs with accessible and user-friendly tools and resources for cybersecurity compliance and risk management. It will be measured by the percentage increase in SMEs adopting OSCRAT tools and reporting enhancements in their cybersecurity posture.
- Facilitate Compliance with the CRA: OSCRAT will help SMEs comply with the CRA through automated procedures and documentation. The measure of progress will be determined by the number of SMEs that utilize OSCRAT tools to attain CRA compliance within the duration of the project.
Foster Cross-Border Collaboration: OSCRAT aims to foster collaboration and knowledge- sharing among SMEs, cybersecurity experts, regulatory bodies, and other stakeholders across borders. Effectiveness will be assessed by cross-border partnerships and the level of participation in OSCRAT-led workshops and events.
Support Environmental Sustainability: OSCRAT will contribute to the long-term policy objective of environmental sustainability by providing a hosted solution on EU data centers prioritizing environmental responsibility. Impact will be evaluated by assessing the environmental footprint of OSCRATs hosting infrastructure compared to conventional hosting solutions.
Promote Policy Coherence: OSCRAT will align its activities with relevant European and national policies, strategies, and initiatives in the cybersecurity domain in order to ensure coherence and synergy with broader policy objectives. Success will be measured by assessing the extent to which OSCRAT activities complement and reinforce existing policy frameworks.
P.M.F. is the project coordinator and the leader of the dissemination, thus ensuring the development of the project’s visual identity, website and the dissemination of the results throughout Europe.