Soft sKills dIgitaL Learning for the ICT workforce

The project SKILL aims to address the soft skills gap and increase the competitiveness of ICT SMEs and micro-firms. The activities of the project through which the partnership aims to reach this goal are divided in several steps that lead each to a specific result:

  • identify soft skills shortages and knowledge gaps in the ICT sector through a needs analysis that is conducted in all the partner countries;
  • design and develop a soft skills curriculum for ICT employees and entrepreneurs that incorporates open pedagogies and desired participant soft skill competencies, such as critical thinking, collaboration, and problem-solving;
  • design, develop, and deliver online digital soft skill learning resources for educators along with training on the most effective methodology to approach the theme with their students;
  • design and develop digital soft skills learning scenarios, based on the proposed curriculum: this to enhance engagement and involvement of the learners. Learners are required to apply their subject knowledge, critical thinking, and problem solving skills in real-world scenarios;
  • design and develop simulations and mini games used for the development of soft skills in the ICT sector based upon the proposed learning curriculum. These processes are particularly important in soft skills training, as they enable the employee to make decisions, act upon them, and witness the outcomes in a virtual environment rather than in real life, where a wrong decision or miscommunication can have an adverse effect;
  • develop an interactive learning area with user-friendly resources using an interface containing all the other resources developed by the project;
  • develop a handbook to guide educators and learners on how to use the products generated from this project and on boosting education digitally.

VITECO is responsible for the development of the interactive e-learning area and provides its experience in the field of gamification during the development of the other resources of the project. Moreover, VITECO leads the dissemination and communication of the project taking care also of the visual identity of the project and its website.

Other projects in which we partecipated




Mar. 2021 - Feb. 2023

Total budget

176.432,00 €

Project number



Erasmus + KA226 - Partnerships for Digital Education Readiness

Other projects in which we partecipated