Healthcare digital transformation: a new model of care, trend 2023

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Today, thanks to digital health technologies, it is possible to achieve an high level of patient wellness. The digital transformation applied to healthcare (which becomes digital health or e-health) results in a range of IT platforms, IoT sensors, equipment and medical software that enhance diagnostic and treatment capabilities.

Big data enable a new approach to health information and marketing, suitable for promoting the therapies and services of healthcare companies in the age of progressive advertising. The healthcare marketing strategy relies as much as possible on evidence from statistical and scientific data to help citizens better understand the practices of private and public healthcare companies.

These data are collected by means of healthcare apps, CRM, social media and DEM campaigns. The places where the information is provided are: hospitals, medical offices and institutional entities.

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The impact of healthcare digital transformation on health

The term digital transformation refers to businesses resulting from digitisation processes. Healthcare companies, like others, have reorganised their best practices. Notable changes include:

This is referred to as Internet of Medical Things (IoMT) and Health IT. The first consists of the ability of objects for medical use to connect to the Internet and communicate with each other, speeding up diagnosis and treatment; the second relates to information technology in healthcare, i.e. hardware, software and infrastructures useful for the performance of clinical, administrative and financial activities typical of healthcare.

The benefits of healthcare digital transformation

The so-called healthcare digital transformation:
The digitisation of care processes also helps the ‘providers’ of services, as it:

A paradigm change

A report by Market Data Forecast estimates that, in the US alone, the turnover of the healthcare digital transformation will grow from USD 12.9 billion to USD 26 billion in 2025, an annual growth rate of 14.8%, a sign that patient care will increasingly take place via electronic technologies for remote clinical care (telemedicine).

Already today, the digitisation of healthcare makes it possible to monitor, in real time and remotely, a patient’s state of health, implementing “precision medicine”, an approach to the treatment and prevention of diseases that takes into account individual variability, genetic characteristics and lifestyle.

Healthcare digital transformation trend 2023

Next is a short list of the 2023 trends of the digital transformation in healthcare that renders old management processes obsolete and promotes a more “flexible” mindset.

1. Software as healthcare

Software, in combination with medical equipment, is intended as a true form of “healthcare”.

2. Artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning (ML)

Advanced artificial intelligence (AI) systems and machine learning (ML) algorithms enable innovation in services and change the very essence of healthcare.

3. Telemonitoring and remote surgery

Telementoring, or proctoring, by a more experienced surgeon helps a specialist and his team to operate safely and to the best of their ability.

4. Smart surveillance of psychiatric patients

In psychiatric centres, telemonitoring and video analysis can be used to monitor patients and alert healthcare personnel if unusual or violent behaviour occurs.

5. Drones for rapid organ transport

In order to speed up the transport of organs, blood and medicines from one hospital to another, the use of drones has shown that they can be very effective during emergencies.

6. Virtual Reality (VR) and Augmented Reality (AR)

Virtual reality and augmented reality improve the results of surgical operations and, in some cases, with the help of 3D viewers, allow them to be performed remotely.

7. Cybersecurity

Today’s medical devices, like other equipment, are vulnerable to cyber attacks by hackers and malware. Therefore, it is essential to protect their privacy, data and equip them with effective protection systems.

8. Medical app

Mobile medical apps for smartphones and tablets in healthcare are an extension of medical devices and can support doctors and patients in the diagnosis, treatment and monitoring of diseases.

9. Connected care system

Connected care system refers to a dense network of interconnected healthcare services. For example, interconnected territorial emergency services help ambulances to gain an advantage in critical situations and, in general, to coordinate better.

Healthcare digital transformation improves patients’ lives

It is clear that healthcare digital transformation improves patients’ lives, so a joint effort is required from all stakeholders. Protecting people’s health is the mission of one of our companies, IPPOCRATE AS, and is obviously close to the heart of the entire JO Group cluster. If you are looking for partners for e-health, m-health, healthcare software and healthcare digital transformation projects, please contact us by using the contact form below. A team of professionals will contact you back.

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