Preserving and promoting Europe’s cultural and linguistic heritage through empowerment of bilingual children and families

The general objective of PEaCH is to create step-by-step guidance for parents and educators on how to support, maintain and develop a child’s home language(s) after a family moves to a different language environment within the EU. PEaCH also wants to raise educator’s awareness of the benefits of bilingualism and home languages. Therefore, PEaCH reaches two types of main target users: parents in multilingual families and educators in nurseries, kindergartens and primary schools across the EU.

The project produces four intellectual outputs:

  • O1 Handbook for Parents on bilingual upbringing;
  • O2 Set of Educational Videos;
  • O3 Language-specific materials to enhance language skill development of children;
  • O4 Toolkit for PEaCH Ambassadors and Educators.

PEaCH project aims to create an universal method of upbringing of bilingual children explained in educational videos in all 24 EU official languages. Online databases of materials are developed for all 24 EU official languages as support resources for parents, teachers and educators. The project offers training for teachers and educators through series of webinars regarding bilingualism, support to families, etc. Moreover, a European network of PEaCH Ambassadors is created among teachers and educators interested in bilingual upbringing.

PMF is the leader of the dissemination of the project, therefore it develops the communication strategy of the project and establishes and manages the social media channels and the website that are used to disseminate the results. PMF is also the leader of the Intellectual Output 2 consisting of the realization of a set of educational videos.

Other projects in which we partecipated
peach progetto


Oct. 2019 - Sep. 2021

Total budget

61.134,00 €

Project number



Erasmus+ KA201 - Strategic Partnership for school education

Other projects in which we partecipated