
EduGames for Active Citizenship

The project #PlayEurope – EduGames for Active Citizenship aims to improve young people’s participation in the social life of the community. The general objective of the project is to raise awareness about the importance of being “active citizens” among young people, in particular students at high schools and universities, using the cooperative enterprise model and social entrepreneurship education to enhance and promote some of the crucial competences that could educate them to become contributing, responsible and critical citizens.

The project develops Manual of Success Stories on Social Entrepreneurship to motivate and inspire young people to set up their own business and the Step‐by‐Step Guide “Become Social Entrepreneur in 7 days” which contains exercises for seven days after which target users can acquire the basics of the crucial soft and hard skills important to set up a social enterprise.

As leading partner, VITECO coordinates the project and leads the dissemination activities.

Other projects in which we partecipated
Play Europe




Sep. 2017 – Aug. 2019

Total budget

83.475,00 €

Project number



Erasmus+ KA205 - Strategic Partnership for Youth

Other projects in which we partecipated