Public Policies

Public Policies Made by Citizens

The aim of the project is to engage young people (under 30 years old) in providing concrete and viable solutions to problems of public interest. At the same time, the project promotes young people’s active citizenship in general and European citizenship in particular. Young people participate online, implementing an e‐method to create public policies. This improves their participation in the civic life of their community, enhancing representative democracy and providing support for new kinds of online engagement. The project is based on the “SMART method of public policy” and blends online citizen engagement with think-tank-like policy making of professional staff. While the online approach helps to solve some of the main participation problems like people’s lack of time and money, the face to face contact with the main target groups is maintained through local partner NGOs. The end result consists of policy papers with recommendations to community problems. The recommendations are based on every-day-citizen input and form the public value of the project. The main objective for authorities is to start transforming the policy recommendations into real action for the benefit of the community.

e-Medine is responsible to cover Italian section of the website and promote the project in Italy.

Other projects in which we partecipated




Sep. 2009 – Sep. 2010

Total budget

43.660,00 €

Project number



Youth in Action Programme

Other projects in which we partecipated