SupporTing migrAnt inteGration and combating racism at local level through digital servicEs

The ultimate objective of the project is to foster social inclusion of migrants (including refugees, asylum seekers, TCNs, and people under subsidiary protection) in the partner countries, irrespective of racial and ethnic identity, gender, age, and sexual orientation. The project’s goal is to create a framework where migrants feel welcome and embraced in the host country and at the same time to fight racism, xenophobia, and discrimination against them.

Project results:

  • PR1: Identification of local and national social inclusion needs
  • PR2. Development of a Web app for migrant inclusion
  • PR3. Development of a Capacity-building Programme for Mentors and Adult TCN Trainers

HT is the technical partner in the project. As a software house with core businesses in app development, HT develops the Web App optimised for mobile devices. HT also designs and develops a logo and website for the project and starts designing the dissemination campaign and creates the poster, opens the Facebook page, press release template, and creates a Newsletter template.

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